10716953B1, 9943672B2, D745504, D746272, D745503, D745502, D745501, 9532942, 9263796, 9258395, 9149451, 8734316, 8602961
*All content regarding the science behind LifeWave’s products is based on and may contain elements for the science of both phototherapy and acupressure. LifeWave products are categorized under one of these two scientific classifications depending on local laws and regulations. Any promotion of LifeWave products must remain consistent with official local classifications. Please refer to the official literature and rules of your country’s governing communications body to understand which is most accepted in your area.
David Schmidt
Founder & CEO
David’s education, combined with his restless imagination, created in him an insatiable desire to change the world. His experience in business and product development spans over 30 years and includes 130+ patents.
Throughout his career, David has been key in developing energy-production technology for both military and commercial applications. He was invited by the U.S. Navy to be a part of an elite research team tasked with developing a product to help mini-sub crews stay awake without drugs or stimulants.
Through this extensive research, David developed a patch that would increase energy in the body using phototherapy. This would become the first LifeWave prototype: Energy Enhancer.
Now, his mission is to improve health and extend lives throughout the world with this innovative wearable wellness technology.